Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Michel de Nostradame

Hello guys! Today I'm going to write a biography about Nostradamus. Here it is.

The French Seer

Image result for nostradamus


Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus was born on 14 or 21 of December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence in the south of France, Michel de Nostredame was one of at least nine children of Reyniere de Saint-Remy and Jaume de Nostredame. The latter's family had originally been Jewish, but Jaume's father, Guy Gassonet, had converted to Catholicism around 1455, taking the Christian name "Pierre" and the surname "Nostredame" (the latter apparently from the saint's day on which his conversion was solemnized).

Student Years

At the age 15, he entered University of Avignon for his baccalaureate, however he was forced to leave Avignon due to an outbreak of a plague. Nostradamus then traveled the countryside for eight years reasearching herbal remedies. Then, in 1529, at the age 26, he entered University of Montpellier to study doctorate in medicine. He then became an apothecary and become famous for creating a medicine to protect from the plague.


After another visit to Italy, he move away from medicine and toward the occult. Wrote an almanac in the year 1550 and was encouraged to write one or more annualy. Taken together, they are known to have contained at least 6,338 prophecies, as well as at least eleven annual calendars, all of them starting on 1 January and not, as is sometimes supposed, in March. He then began his project of writing a book of one thousand mainly French quatrains, which constitute the largely undated prophecies for which he is most famous today. The book was then published with the title Les Porpheties (The Prophecies)

A few examples of his prophecies that came true are, Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs.

Image result for hiroshima nagasaki


"Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief."

What really happened: In early August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic weapons on the island of Japan, in (within two cities) Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The suffering endured by those in the blast and the radiation poisoning suffered by those who escaped the immediate detonation (Crying to the great immortal God for relief).

And, the 11th September 2001 terrorist attack.

Image result for 9/11


"Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

What happened: On the morning of September 11, 2001 the two towers (two great rocks) of the World Trade Center were attacked in New York City (New City).

These are however, some, of his predictions that came true. There are also some of his predictions that have not/ does not come true, that might be delayed or won't happen at all. The rest of his prophecies are in the Les Propheties book. 

Final Years and Death

By 1566, Nostradamus' gout, which had plagued him painfully for many years and made movement very difficult, turned into edema, or dropsy. On the evening of July 1, he is alleged to have told his secretary Jean de Chavigny, "You will not find me alive at sunrise." The next morning he was reportedly found dead, lying on the floor next to his bed and a bench. He was buried in the local Franciscan chapel in Salon but re-interred during the French Revolution in the CollŽgiale Saint-Laurent, where his tomb remains to this day.

Source : http://www.crystalinks.com/nostradamusbio.html

That's all the biography about Nostradamus, please let me know if there are any mistakes, thank you for your attention, and see you in another blog!

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Descriptive Text

Hello guys! Today I'm going to post a text about Venice and am going to give several question and answer with it. The text about Venice itself isn't made by me, I took it from http://freeenglishcourse.info/example-of-descriptive-text-about-place-venice/, so here goes.

Image result for venice
Image from: Google.com

One of the famous city in Italy is Venice. It get its popularity because Venice is a rich and interesting city. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot  of attractive things to visitors.

Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities. Around years 800-1100 AD, Venice underwent a period of growth, and became more centralized. It gradually developed into a city state, which is essentially a self-governed region of a country that trades freely among others.
As Venice gradually developed, it became a prominent player in the sea trade of the time. It was set upon by many different threats. Pirates became the hugest problem. Fewer and fewer shipments were making it through the treacherous water. It happened when the Republic of Venice decided to move the operations to the eastern shores.
When we think of Venice, the first thing which comes to mind are canals. They are considered the trademark of the city. Canals are mostly recognizable for providing the main form of transportation throughout the city. Visiting Venice brings a rich aura of history and culture. Floating through the canals for an afternoon makes for a memorable experience, and it’s one that any traveler commonly enjoy.


1. Why is Venice famous?

A. Because it is in Italy
B. Because it is a rich and interesting city
C. Because it has been established over 2000 years ago.
D. Because it is a self-governed region of a country that trades freely among others
E. Because it is a city with river as roads

2. What kind of city did the Venice become?

A. City state
B. A tourism city.
C. Rich and interesting city
D. Centralized and a self-governed region of a country, more of a city state.
E. A beautiful city with canal as their main transportation which is now a travel object.

3. When did Venice progress into a more centralized city?

A. 2000 years ago.
B. When waves of barbarians came and drove people out of their homes
C. When pirates come
D. In the late 20s
E. Around 800-1100 AD

4. What is Venice's main problems?

A. Pirates.
B. Visitors.
C. Canals that flood all over the city.
D. Disease from the contaminated water
E. Barbarians

5. What is the writers impression about Venice?

A. A rich and interesting city, which has a lot of cultures and history. Which has progressed into a much modern city and is now a tourist attraction.
B. City in Italy famous for its canals, that brings a rich and interesting aura of history and culture. 
C. That Venice was once a city which was invaded by pirates and now evolved into a trading city.
D. Famous city in Italy, that gets its popularity because it is rich and interesting. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot of attractive things to visitors.
E. Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities.

That's all for today, Thank you for visiting, hope that this can somehow be useful for you, See you in another post!

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Story Telling

Hello everyone! Today I was told to exchange short stories with my friends, and were told to find the moral of each stories told. I will mention their names and the stories they told me and its moral.

Myself : Rumpelstiltskin
Moral : Do not be greedy, arrogant and don't always ask for favor.

Saskia : The Red Riding Hood
Moral : Always listen to your parents' advice and don't talk to strangers

Hany : Last Words
Moral : Always say good things to other people

Nadine : Timun Emas
Moral : Mother's love is infinite. Never give up, anything is possible

Nadia : Little Mermaid
Moral : Be grateful of yourself, always be careful of your choices.

That's all for now I guess, See you in another post!

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

English Announcement Assignement

Hello everyone! Last Monday, I was told to make an announcement and to make a video of it and post it online, but don't get mistaken, this isn't actually real teehee, all of this are just made up. Anyways, here it is!

Good Afternoon Everybody

In order to commemorate English Day, our school will hold an English competition on:

Day/Date : Thursday, 27th of May 2019
Time        : 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Place       : School Hall of SMAN 3 Bandung

There will be 3 competitions; Writing, Spelling and Speaking, that will be held consecutively. All class must participate by sending at least 1 representative for each competition. Each class that doesn't send minimum representatives required, must pay Rp.50.000 to the committee. Winners will be announced a week after the competition and will be given a prize and a trophy.

Registration will be opened from 13th - 25th of May 2019 in front of the OSIS room. For more questions you may contact Bayu Baihaqi on 081234567 or baihaqibayu@xoxo.com

Thanks for your attention, Good Afternoon.
I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or any other mistakes, the comment section is always open to hear your thoughts and fix my mistakes!

That's all from me, thanks for visiting!

Minggu, 25 September 2016

My Friend's Unforgettable Experience

Hello everyone! Today's topic is about unforgettable moments in life. Right now, I'm going to tell you about my friend's unforgettable moment. I'm going to start by introducing her. Her name is Qinthara, she is currently 15 years old. She is my classmate, and recently, she just told me about her unforgettable experience in her life.

It was when she was 7 years old or at first grade, roughly 10 years ago, that this unforgettable experience happened to her. She was at school when suddenly her mother called to school to pick her up. She was upset that she had to go home early and she didn't want to go home. Then, her mom came and picked her up. She was really mad at her mom, she didn't want to go home yet, she was stubborn to stay at school, but eventually, she obeyed her mom.

But they didn't go home, instead they went to the hospital. At that moment, Qinthara was confused of what place that was and why did her mom brought her there. Then, she saw her father laying in a hospital bed with his eyes shut. She asked her mom, "Why is Daddy sleeping? Why is Daddy not waking up?" She didn't understand anything about what was happening to her dad, she just stood there asking why he wasn't waking up. Then her mom told her that her father died. At that point, she still didn't understand what does die means and what was happening to her dad.

A few days later, she went to her father's funeral, but she still didn't understand what place it was and what was her purpose of going there. Until when her father was put inside a coffin, and the coffin was put underground, not knowing what was happening, she told her mom that she wanted to accompany her father to the undergrounds. And that's all she could remember about her unforgettable moment; her father's death.

Apparently, her father died because of lung cancer, she said that her father had lung cancer since quite a while, but was just diagnosed when his cancer stadium was high, and it was too late to save him. It was because her father smokes cigarettes and had an unhealthy lifestyle, she said. And that's all about her unforgettable moment.

Well, I can't tell anything else, that's all about my friend's unforgettable experience. Thanks for visiting and see you in another post!

Rabu, 21 September 2016

Place I Would Like To Visit

Today is 21st of September 2016. I have nothing to talk about yet because nothing significant really happened the past few days soo I'm going to talk about the place I would like to visit.

I'm going to start by explaining about the place I would like to visit, as it is not literally an actual place, instead an imaginary place that I have in my mind. A kind of concept or an idea that I might have got the inspiration from somewhere.

The place that I would like to visit has the idea of Future. It looks futuristic, smells futuristic, sounds futuristic and feels futuristic (and tastes futuristic as well). Every single thing that is futuristic, advanced and just future in general. Something that looks like the below. A city with flying cars, advanced technology, automated technology and all kinds of futuristic objects.
Image result for futuristic utopia

Let's start with how did I get my inspiration. Well, I wouldn't say that I have an actual inspiration. It all came from the movies I see which takes place in the future. Some of them which I remember is Elysium and Tomorrowland. But those aren't my real inspiration. My inspiration however come from pictures that I look from google or some youtube videos. I couldn't remember what really influenced me to want to visit these kind of places. It sort of just popped in my mind of how would the earth look like in the far future and how would civilization be, and of course my idea of future place is quite mainstream as for most of ideas of future place looks like these, so I kind of just, go with the flow. And that's about it for where I got my inspiration from.

Alright lets get to describing what kind of futuristic place I'd want to visit to. Starting from my house, I want everything to be automated, instant and simple. A house which would have automated doors, instant food producing machine, an artificial-intelligence butler (robot butler), and all kinds of advanced technologies in it. My dream objects would be a jetpack, an actual hover board, flying cars, teleportation device, (Why would I want jetpacks and flying cars when I have a teleportation device? Well why not.) and a healing pod that cures all diseases as you get inside it (the one like in the movie Elyisium).

However, I don't like the kind of futuristic city that is shown in the picture below. A city full of skyscrapers, crowded with buildings with no touch of nature at all. It looks futuristic with all the buildings and skyscrapers but it looks really messy. For me, these kind of examples of futuristic city doesn't look appealing. Because my idea of futuristic city should have a balanced ratio of advanced technology and nature, somewhat nature friendly technologies and buildings.
Image result for futuristic city

Now this picture below, is the kind of futuristic city I would like to visit. Those with advanced building and technology with a touch of nature in it. It would still look green, nature friendly and fresh to live at. Unlike the picture before, this is much more free, non polluted, and much nicer to look at as well.
Image result for futuristic eco city

So what do you guys think? I mean, imagine the possibility of the things you can do with all of the instant and advanced technologies. A lot. Starting with simple things such as quick food, quick transportation/teleportation, SO THAT WE WONT BE LATE TO SCHOOL. And what if we have the technology to manipulate time? Sounds impossible but imagine the possibility! We don't have to rush our home works, and we don't need to wake up too early for school. Just wake up 5 minutes before school, stop time, prepare and continue when we already got to school. Boom.

And of course, aside of its disadvantages, and all the things that could happen when we get lazy because of technology, those things can destroy humanity. But hey, this is just some idea or concept that I have in my mind about the place that I would like to visit.

That is probably all about the place I would like to visit. I have (again) run out of ideas for my topic because I am really sleepy. But anyways yeah, that's the kind of place I would like to visit. What about yours? The comment section is always ready to hear your thoughts.

That's all for today, thanks for stopping by and see you in another post!

Senin, 12 September 2016


Hello there! I'm back again, and its Monday, 12 of September, 2016. Today, I'm going to talk about Megantara 2016, about its events, what I did there and everything about it.

Lets start from "What is Megantara"? Well. Megantara is an Art, Literature and Culture Festival held by SMAN 3 Bandung Annually since 2014, and in this year it was held on 10th of September. Each year, this Art, Literature, and Culture Festival has different names. The first one at 2014 was named Matswapati, the second one at 2015 was Gamarvani and the 3rd one, which was this year, named Megantara. Megantara itself came from the Sanskerta language and formed from 2 words, Mega and Gantari, which means that Nusantara is a majestic light. The idea was, by holding this event, we hope that we were able to conserve Indonesian culture, by making stands where people come to the stands to learn how to do cultural games, cultural performances, fashion shows that exhibit traditional clothes and cultural parade.

Now I'm going to tell you about my experience as a committee of Megantara 2016. It was at the Trinexia, or the extracurricular demo, that OSIS was introduced. We were told to close our eyes and raise our hand if we want to join OSIS. Apparently, those who raised their hands got a rubber bracelet, as a free ticket to joining the Megantara committee. I was really happy, it was my first month in SMAN 3 and I already joined a committee of a big event. And so, I registered to my senior with that bracelet and picked the Logistics Division, because most of my friends went to that division as well.

The next week, we had a plenum, discussing about the event. The plenum was at the end of July, roughly about 1 month before the event itself. We were then told where the venue was, when the event will be held and etc. And when the plenum finished, the 32019, who had just joined the committee were gathered and told that we had to ask for door-to-door donations to some people. My first thought when I was given this task was, "No. I'm going to resign from this committee because this is going to take my time for home works and stuff and its going to be hard." But, I didn't actually resign and waited for my first week to do the door-to-door donation. We were divided into groups, and I eventually got one. I've made new friends from joining the group, which are now my close friends, and to think I just knew them 1 month ago blew my mind.

Oh yeah, I forgot to explain, door-to-door is an activity where we come to people's houses, usually a parent from SMAN 3 students, to ask for donations for the event. Each of the group had 5 parents that the group members need to visit.

We all grew closer as we did our door-to-door donations together, we decided to go every week at Sunday. And at second thought, it wasn't that bad and it was fun instead. And so, time flies and our job was done. 3 weeks of door-to-door donations and we've gather about 5 million rupiahs from our goal of 6 million rupiahs.

It was then about 2-3 weeks before the event, we were divided again to groups of subdivisions. I got the event subdivision where I will be responsible for the event's equipment and needs on the D-day. 4 members of my door-to-door group joined the same subdivision but 1 of us joined another, but it was no big difference really, we all ended up doing the same job after all. And 1 week before the event, we were gathered again and were divided into groups of 5 where we had to buy some of the things that were needed in the event. Sadly, me and my original door-to-door group got separated, but no worries, again, we all ended up doing the same job after all.

As the D-day getting closer and closer, we all grew nervous if anything bad would happen on the D-day. And so, D-1, all of the committees including the logistics were dispended from school. We were all gathered in Lapangan Bali, the venue of the event to help the Decoration division do their job, and we went with pick-up trucks to SMAN 3 and back to pick up some of the event's equipment, that, was the fun part of logistics. We all helped the stands, the tables, and the decorations for the stage etc, and we went to rest at 8 o'clock where I slept in one of my friend's place.

The next morning was the D-day. We arrived at 6 o'clock which was a little bit late, and we used the pick-up trucks to get some of the event's equipment again. Riding at the back of the pick-up trucks were the fun part of logistics, I couldn't find any better thing to do than to ride on the back of the truck enjoy the wind and just have fun really. And right about 11 o'clock, the event started. There weren't much visitors at the afternoon since we've just opened the gate, but there are still some performances on the afternoon that were really nice as well.

It was at 4 o'clock where people all came. The queue was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly long. I exaggerated the 'really' because it was actually really long, from the Lapangan Bali entrance to the Balai Bahasa building. I was really happy that many people came, showing a sign that this event is going to be a success.

And I was right. It was a success, a major success, they say, that this is the biggest SMAN 3 event ever held. I also heard that EIGHT THOUSAND people came to the event. Probably because we had The Changchuters and RAN as our guest stars. Here's a photo which shows the crowd.

Yeah, its REALLY crowded, I wouldn't even want to be in there. Luckily logistics had a free pass to the backstage and we can basically watch the guest stars from exactly in front of the stage. Which was a major advantage. But don't forget, committee's work were really tough as well, as a logistics especially. We went to go everywhere to get the equipment we need and as a result, we couldn't fully enjoy the show. And there was this one time where I went to SMAN 3 to take a picture with Nino RAN, how great is that?

Yeah our faces look awful, and I was really tired that time. But hey! Got a nice picture with Nino, from RAN, who wouldn't want that? Oh and that maroon shirt was the Megantara committee shirt. Felt really proud using it heehee. Oh yeah, if you don't know how I look like, I'm the one on the right lol.

The peak of the event was when The Changchuters came to the stage. Everyone screamed everyone jumped and just really... What word should I pick, umm chaotic. Chaotic in a good way. We all danced screamed and enjoy the show. However, I didn't take pictures with them although my friends did, which was a bummer.

As you can see, the crowd was just full. And I'm really proud that I'm a part of this event. A part of this committee, a part of this family. I cant describe in words how happy I am that I'm a part of all this.

And after that, RAN came in. This was where the girls goes wild. they were really just wild. Screaming on top of their lungs, especially when RAN tosses stuff to the audiences.

And then the event finished at 9.00 o'clock. A major success. A blast. A chaotic night. A ridiculously awesome night. And many other words that could have describe the night which outran my vocabulary that I can't explain by words. The point is, that the event was a SUCCESS. We all went home afterwards, not doing my job as a logistic, I should've cleaned up the place, but I didn't teehee. I was really tired, when I went to my car, my body instantly shut down.

Big thanks to all my friends, all my seniors who had pushed me and guide me to be a good (probably) logistic member. And my parents of course, without their permission I wouldn't even be there. And yeah. That's all. Oh yeah one more thing, thanks to all the Logistics family, I've made a lot of new friends, knew new seniors, and learned a lot. Big thanks to our coordinator, Fadil Gania, and many other members that helped me and all of us to be a good logistic member. As a wrap for today's post, I'm going to scream the Logistics' yell-yell.

"LOGISTIK MEGANTARA! BELI BARANG SAMPAI MATI!" ("Megantara Logistics! Buy things till you die!" lol I know its kinda weird)

That's all of today, thanks for visiting, see you in another post!

P.S I'm sorry if I didn't go too much into the details of the event and probably skipped some things, I was really confused of what and which part was I going to describe so I probably missed some things. If you would like to correct me, the comment section is always ready for me to hear your thoughts. And again, thanks for visiting!

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Saturday, 27th of August

HELLO AGAIN! Two posts in one day because I did not post for a week. Well, now I'm going to tell you guys about the activities I had this Saturday. Before I get to details, I will just say that;

Starting off from the very morning of this Saturday, a lazy morning as always, had to come to school at 6.30 because there was P.E or Physical Education at the Bali Park. Our activity for the PE was to run 12 minutes. Non-stop kind of. Well, we were told to run around the Soccer Field track for 12 minutes. I managed to run 8 rounds which was the average score. Lucky me lol. After that, I got soo tired that I wanted to go home and just sleep. Buuut no. Because there is going to be a Independence Day event at 10 o'clock in the Bali Field as well.

And so, we took a break at 9 and got back to Bali Field at 10. The name of the event was TERIYAKI-71, which I don't know what it stands for lol, but it got to have a meaning about Independence Day of some sort, held by the OSIS 63, SMAN 3 class of 2017.

All of 3'2019 were gathered at the basketball field of the Bali Field, from MIPA 1 - 10, and then we got divided to team A B and C. My class, MIPA 7 was at Team A. Our competitors were MIPA 2, MIPA 5 and IPS 1 or 2, I forgot, teehee. Well nonetheless, our first game was at the Bangsal, an indoor Badminton court in the Bali Field. And our first game was dodgeball. Luckily, I am an experienced dodgeball player in my middle school so I know how to play it properly lol, although I always got hit first(its my strategy). But the good thing is, in the rules, the one who got hit will not automatically be disqualified, rather moved to outside the boundaries of the opposite team's territory. And that, was where I was good at throwing the balls. Our competitor was X MIPA 2 at that time, and we did not win our first round, but, fortunately won at the second round so it was a draw.

Our next game was rope pulling at the basketball field in the Bali Field, and our first competitor was X IPS 1 or 2, still forgot which was the one, but regardless, we won anyways, both the first round and the second round. The next one was X MIPA 5 vs X MIPA 2, the final score was 1 for X MIPA 5 and 2 for X MIPA 2. So in the finals, it was X MIPA 7 vs X MIPA 2. I didn't play at first, but one of my friends who participated, got injured so I step up to substitute him. And so, we won the rope pulling game. We were really happy, we started chanting our class name "Sepatu Galaksi" which stands for Sepuluh IPA Tujuh, Gemintang Laksana Beraksi. And we keep yelling "Why did we win? Because our homeroom teacher is Bu Wewin (Wiwin)" again and again.

Jumping to the next game, it was a some kind of handball, but it wasn't a ball, instead it was a sponge, a wet one, where we have to transfer the water to the opposite team's bucket. I didn't participate the first round, because I was really tired and my friends were as well, but again, we won as always. In the second round, none of my friends wanted to play again and so I was forced to play. And guess what? We won again! But, we didn't chant our class name because we already got tired.

After that, we got lunch break, from 1 o'clock to 1.30. At 1.30 we were all gathered back at the basketball field. The winner of the competitions was announced, aaand our class was placed 2nd! The ranks doesn't matter because we will all get the same thing which is a terminal electric socket, and a mirror for our class, which is well, quite decent because we will need to charge our phones and the girls LOOOVES the mirror so much, especially when our class is at the 3rd floor and we don't have any mirror in the bathroom. The event was closed by a performance by T'sT (Tiloe's Teather) and we all shared a good laugh.

But that wasn't all for my class. We had a Makrab or Malam Keakraban or Halal Bihalal with our X MIPA 7 alumnus, the same day, but at night. So, some of us went back to our own houses and some went to their friend's to prepare to go to the venue. We gathered at the venue at 4 o'clock and started decorating the place. We had the theme of Aeroplane, so we arranged the seat like an aeroplane and had all the details, like, food, MC, and etc made as if you were in a plane. We opened the gate at 6 o'clock, and there were a lot of our seniors coming. One of them which I knew from my Primary school. So it was really just like a reunion for some of the seniors and some of us. We then started our event, ate together, laughed together and shared a lot of things with our seniors. How it feels like to be in SMA 3, what do you have to do to survive in SMA 3. And we talked about the teachers as well, one of the teachers we talked about was, the one and only Mr Agus our "Matematika Minat" teacher. It was because he had really hard exams and his questions are really hard so we asked the advise to our seniors on how to handle his subject. After some food, chit chatting, drinks and music, we finished our event at about 9.30, took a lot of photos with our friends and seniors, and went home.

All I can say about this Saturday is just, Amazing. Really fun, memorable, and really amazing. I would also like to thank my seniors for making such events, and for guiding us on making our Makrab successful.

Ah, that's probably all for today. I'm quite tired and have really sore body so I might need some rest because tomorrow is MONDAY. Ugh, how I just hate to think that weekend's over already. Well then, that's all, thanks for stopping by and see you on my next post!

WTF (World Tournament/Techno Festival)

Hello! Today I'm going to post about the WTF or World Tournament/Techno Festival that happened a week ago at Saturday. It might be a bit late, but hey, better late than never!

So, the World Tournament/Techno Festival or WTF for short is a tournament of a kind, held by the OSIS of SMAN 3, Class of 2017. Each class of 2019 and 2018 from MIPA 1 - 10 and IPS was duelled, and there were various kinds of competitions, held on each planets and if you win the task given, you win a piece of puzzle. You might think what did I mean by planets, they were, points, checkpoints, or waypoints, located around SMAN 3 and 5. My class, X MIPA 7 was duelled with XI MIPA 7. Our first task was to find out where the waypoints are located from the clue given.

Our first waypoint was the Bali Field, and our first game was a game of tag, sort of. I don't know what its called, but basically how to play it was, you will have a scarf tied to your hand and you must not let your scarf be stolen by the opposite team. The game was 10 vs 10. We were losing at first, but then we won, and we got 1 piece of puzzle. The second waypoint was still on the Bali Field, but it was on the basketball field, the first one's on the soccer field. This time we were given some question that one of us had to answer. And, we won again, that's 2 piece of puzzle for us.

Next point was quite far, at the Tongkeng Park, located quite far from SMA 3, we had to walk really long to get to that waypoint, as we arrived we were told to make robots out of simple cardboard boxes and tapes, and we won again. We started to think why we keep winning, is it just us or our competitor is way to easy, then we realized its because our homeroom teacher is Bu Wewin (Wiwin), yeah that was an intended pun.

Continue to the next waypoint, it was on Photo Park, not so far from Tongkeng Park. At this point we were exhausted and were already tired of winning, so we lost this round. For the penalty, we were given 2 aliens to fight with water balloons, if we hit one of them, we will get 1 puzzle piece, but if we were to be hit by the aliens, we give 1 puzzle piece to them. Luckily, we hit one and none of us got hit so we got a puzzle piece. And that's 8

Next, we go back to SMAN 3 by Angkot, and took a break for a few minutes. Our next waypoint is Class XI MIPA 1 or 2, I cant remember, but there, we watched a movie about robots for having feelings etc. In my opinion though, its just illogical for AI to have feelings as human technology has not reached that kind of advancement, and probably will never.

After that, we went to the parking lot behind the Bazaar to play a kind of quiz and make a human bridge from a pole to the end of another pole. We won, again, we weren't even pumped for this one, because we were tired already but we won anyway, lol.

At the next waypoint, which is in the SMA 3 front parking lot, we got Samyang challenge, where we pick 2 candidates from our class to race-eat a reaaaly spicy plate of Samyang. Fortunately, our 2 candidates; Rafli and Fachri, were hungry at that time, and they didn't even care about the spiciness so they munched the whole plate in barely 30 seconds. And so, we won, again. That is about, 6 puzzle pieces that we've gathered.

Then, we went to the Music Park, where we had "Second Rank" game. A kind of game quiz where 6 5 people from each class compete with each other on their knowledge. I actually won the game. The winning question was who invented google, and I answered Larry Page and Sergey Brin, but the game name was Second Rank so the second winner was picked as the true winner. What a plot twist hahaha. But the good thing was the second winner's also from our class so we got another puzzle piece.

After this, we got lunch break, and then we were gathered at Bali Field once again, but all of the students are there. both 2018 and 2019. The committee told us our next task is to hunt the aliens down, and so we did, but we didn't get any. However, we had 8 puzzle pieces collected and I think that is enough. We actually gathered 7 puzzle pieces, but got another 1 from a random alien in on our way to other waypoints. If you're asking how do these aliens look like, they're basically human (obviously) in raincoats. That's it.

But yeah, after our final task, the committee told us to arrange the puzzle in a way that they will make a picture. And we finished it, it was a picture of an astronaut with "3'2019" below it, or above it, I don't remember lol. And so the competition was finished, our class didn't win the best class, but we won the best "angkatan" which is 3'2019 hurray!

*The arrangement of the events may be wrong as I don't have perfect memory so please mind me if any of you readers were the participants of the event and noticed there were mistakes, comment down below.

That's all for this event thanks for stopping by and see you on another post!

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2016

It's Me

Myself and I

Hello there! I don't know how you've ended up here but let me introduce myself. My name is Muhammad Khidir, I am from Indonesia and right now I am 15 years old. Currently, I study at SMAN 3 Bandung and is a member of X MIPA 7. In this blog you will find my school works or probably just some random stuff.

Right now, I'm going to tell you all about myself. Lets start from my family. My family consists of 10 people and I am the eighth child and am the youngest son in my family, a lot of people have been surprised when I say that I have 7 siblings in my family, as it is not likely to have more than 3 members of your family. I have 5 older brothers and 2 older sisters. The age gap between me and my second youngest sister is already far, about 8 years, in which right now i am 15 and my sister is 23. While my eldest brother is about 34 so between me and my eldest brother is like father and son. About my parents, my father is 60 years old, probably. I don't really remember my parents age because i never asked them but I know that my mom is 58 years old.

Next topic, my education. I'll start with my kindergarten, I studied at Smart Steps kindergarten at the age of 4 in 2005, and graduated at the age of 6 in 2007. I then studied at Pribadi Billingual Boarding School at the age of 7. I graduated from Pribadi when I was 12 in 2012. Then I proceed to educate at Pelita Nusantara School as my Junior High School, and graduated at the age of 15. As for now I am currently studying at SMAN 3 Bandung as my Senior High School.

Alright, what else.. Birthdate! I haven't told you my birthdate. I was born in Bandung, 25th of June, 2001.
My hobby is playing piano and playing games on my computer.
As you can see I am currently looking for topics to make this post longer so please forgive my randomness.
My ambition is to be a doctor and study abroad.
My brothers and sisters mostly study abroad so thats why I want to study abroad aswell.
From 7 members of my siblings, 6 have graduated from universities and 2 have already worked.

Okay, I'm going to stop looking for topics and I'll just to throw some random facts about myself.
I like to eat pizzas and lasagnas.
I have graduated my ABRSM Piano Examination Grade 8 in 2014.
I also like sushi.
Sports that i like are probably basketball and athletics.
I play DOTA2 under the username RnZero.
The kind of song genre i like is pop, electric and classic since I play piano.
I dont like studying at all but sometimes I enjoy learning new things.
My favourite colour is green.
My favourite number is 8
And my favourite song currently is Closer by Chainsmokers.

Alright enough about me, I have currently ran out of ideas aswell sooo

See you in another post and thanks for visiting!