Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Michel de Nostradame

Hello guys! Today I'm going to write a biography about Nostradamus. Here it is.

The French Seer

Image result for nostradamus


Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus was born on 14 or 21 of December 1503 in Saint-Remy-de-Provence in the south of France, Michel de Nostredame was one of at least nine children of Reyniere de Saint-Remy and Jaume de Nostredame. The latter's family had originally been Jewish, but Jaume's father, Guy Gassonet, had converted to Catholicism around 1455, taking the Christian name "Pierre" and the surname "Nostredame" (the latter apparently from the saint's day on which his conversion was solemnized).

Student Years

At the age 15, he entered University of Avignon for his baccalaureate, however he was forced to leave Avignon due to an outbreak of a plague. Nostradamus then traveled the countryside for eight years reasearching herbal remedies. Then, in 1529, at the age 26, he entered University of Montpellier to study doctorate in medicine. He then became an apothecary and become famous for creating a medicine to protect from the plague.


After another visit to Italy, he move away from medicine and toward the occult. Wrote an almanac in the year 1550 and was encouraged to write one or more annualy. Taken together, they are known to have contained at least 6,338 prophecies, as well as at least eleven annual calendars, all of them starting on 1 January and not, as is sometimes supposed, in March. He then began his project of writing a book of one thousand mainly French quatrains, which constitute the largely undated prophecies for which he is most famous today. The book was then published with the title Les Porpheties (The Prophecies)

A few examples of his prophecies that came true are, Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs.

Image result for hiroshima nagasaki


"Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief."

What really happened: In early August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic weapons on the island of Japan, in (within two cities) Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The suffering endured by those in the blast and the radiation poisoning suffered by those who escaped the immediate detonation (Crying to the great immortal God for relief).

And, the 11th September 2001 terrorist attack.

Image result for 9/11


"Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

What happened: On the morning of September 11, 2001 the two towers (two great rocks) of the World Trade Center were attacked in New York City (New City).

These are however, some, of his predictions that came true. There are also some of his predictions that have not/ does not come true, that might be delayed or won't happen at all. The rest of his prophecies are in the Les Propheties book. 

Final Years and Death

By 1566, Nostradamus' gout, which had plagued him painfully for many years and made movement very difficult, turned into edema, or dropsy. On the evening of July 1, he is alleged to have told his secretary Jean de Chavigny, "You will not find me alive at sunrise." The next morning he was reportedly found dead, lying on the floor next to his bed and a bench. He was buried in the local Franciscan chapel in Salon but re-interred during the French Revolution in the CollŽgiale Saint-Laurent, where his tomb remains to this day.

Source : http://www.crystalinks.com/nostradamusbio.html

That's all the biography about Nostradamus, please let me know if there are any mistakes, thank you for your attention, and see you in another blog!

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Descriptive Text

Hello guys! Today I'm going to post a text about Venice and am going to give several question and answer with it. The text about Venice itself isn't made by me, I took it from http://freeenglishcourse.info/example-of-descriptive-text-about-place-venice/, so here goes.

Image result for venice
Image from: Google.com

One of the famous city in Italy is Venice. It get its popularity because Venice is a rich and interesting city. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot  of attractive things to visitors.

Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities. Around years 800-1100 AD, Venice underwent a period of growth, and became more centralized. It gradually developed into a city state, which is essentially a self-governed region of a country that trades freely among others.
As Venice gradually developed, it became a prominent player in the sea trade of the time. It was set upon by many different threats. Pirates became the hugest problem. Fewer and fewer shipments were making it through the treacherous water. It happened when the Republic of Venice decided to move the operations to the eastern shores.
When we think of Venice, the first thing which comes to mind are canals. They are considered the trademark of the city. Canals are mostly recognizable for providing the main form of transportation throughout the city. Visiting Venice brings a rich aura of history and culture. Floating through the canals for an afternoon makes for a memorable experience, and it’s one that any traveler commonly enjoy.


1. Why is Venice famous?

A. Because it is in Italy
B. Because it is a rich and interesting city
C. Because it has been established over 2000 years ago.
D. Because it is a self-governed region of a country that trades freely among others
E. Because it is a city with river as roads

2. What kind of city did the Venice become?

A. City state
B. A tourism city.
C. Rich and interesting city
D. Centralized and a self-governed region of a country, more of a city state.
E. A beautiful city with canal as their main transportation which is now a travel object.

3. When did Venice progress into a more centralized city?

A. 2000 years ago.
B. When waves of barbarians came and drove people out of their homes
C. When pirates come
D. In the late 20s
E. Around 800-1100 AD

4. What is Venice's main problems?

A. Pirates.
B. Visitors.
C. Canals that flood all over the city.
D. Disease from the contaminated water
E. Barbarians

5. What is the writers impression about Venice?

A. A rich and interesting city, which has a lot of cultures and history. Which has progressed into a much modern city and is now a tourist attraction.
B. City in Italy famous for its canals, that brings a rich and interesting aura of history and culture. 
C. That Venice was once a city which was invaded by pirates and now evolved into a trading city.
D. Famous city in Italy, that gets its popularity because it is rich and interesting. It has a lot of history documentations and offers a lot of attractive things to visitors.
E. Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities.

That's all for today, Thank you for visiting, hope that this can somehow be useful for you, See you in another post!

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Story Telling

Hello everyone! Today I was told to exchange short stories with my friends, and were told to find the moral of each stories told. I will mention their names and the stories they told me and its moral.

Myself : Rumpelstiltskin
Moral : Do not be greedy, arrogant and don't always ask for favor.

Saskia : The Red Riding Hood
Moral : Always listen to your parents' advice and don't talk to strangers

Hany : Last Words
Moral : Always say good things to other people

Nadine : Timun Emas
Moral : Mother's love is infinite. Never give up, anything is possible

Nadia : Little Mermaid
Moral : Be grateful of yourself, always be careful of your choices.

That's all for now I guess, See you in another post!

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

English Announcement Assignement

Hello everyone! Last Monday, I was told to make an announcement and to make a video of it and post it online, but don't get mistaken, this isn't actually real teehee, all of this are just made up. Anyways, here it is!

Good Afternoon Everybody

In order to commemorate English Day, our school will hold an English competition on:

Day/Date : Thursday, 27th of May 2019
Time        : 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Place       : School Hall of SMAN 3 Bandung

There will be 3 competitions; Writing, Spelling and Speaking, that will be held consecutively. All class must participate by sending at least 1 representative for each competition. Each class that doesn't send minimum representatives required, must pay Rp.50.000 to the committee. Winners will be announced a week after the competition and will be given a prize and a trophy.

Registration will be opened from 13th - 25th of May 2019 in front of the OSIS room. For more questions you may contact Bayu Baihaqi on 081234567 or baihaqibayu@xoxo.com

Thanks for your attention, Good Afternoon.
I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors or any other mistakes, the comment section is always open to hear your thoughts and fix my mistakes!

That's all from me, thanks for visiting!