Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Story Telling

Hello everyone! Today I was told to exchange short stories with my friends, and were told to find the moral of each stories told. I will mention their names and the stories they told me and its moral.

Myself : Rumpelstiltskin
Moral : Do not be greedy, arrogant and don't always ask for favor.

Saskia : The Red Riding Hood
Moral : Always listen to your parents' advice and don't talk to strangers

Hany : Last Words
Moral : Always say good things to other people

Nadine : Timun Emas
Moral : Mother's love is infinite. Never give up, anything is possible

Nadia : Little Mermaid
Moral : Be grateful of yourself, always be careful of your choices.

That's all for now I guess, See you in another post!

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